
Showing posts from May, 2006

new account

today opened the third stock trading account. well, i am quite satisfied with the first i have, but in order to buy some funds, and different funds - available at different brokers - you need different accounts. this one - the best bank in lithuania - according to the last research.

irc talks

from i sometimes reach online talks about omx vse market and online trading. the last weeks can not reach via irc and my trilian software, and today even internet connection does work..
tried to buy last week some stocks, although today see that was not a very good idea. the market goes down, as it does the last year.. should wait a few weeks to see the more clear situation. and afraid that after a few weeks will have so big minuses everywhere. well, the last year the end of april was down also. because of dividend payment. read, that the bull market lasts 2-3 years. and what about bear? still a few months left until the year celebration...