not a mistake

the last time i wrote about snai, rst and invl - i sold them and then was unhappy to see them up. now, after some time, i may draw some conclusions. rst went up - i could have sold it without losses. what it interesting after few days up, now it is great down - almost 30percent from the price i sold it. so, not so bad. invl went up for a few cents, and now it is also lower than my selling price. the only snai is going up. the purpose of my buy was to see RSI working. the problem was i was not looking at the snai situation - it was going down for more than 6months, and i accidentely bought it when after the bottom it started to go up. to buy it was a wise decision, but to sell it.... well, i needed money and quickly..
was reading about sellin decisions today. two points. first - sell with RSI high - over 70-80percent. and second - remember that after rally - quick up over 10-20-30 percent - the price will stay flat for a long time. i wish i knew that earlier.


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