do not listen to my advices....

it is soooo difficult to get used to new tickers. now, as we entered saxess platform and baltics had been connected into one baltic stock trade system, there are all new codes for shares and the number of them increased. as i look at my software it is difficult for me to understand what company does it belong to. for example, snoras changed from snor into srs1l. o enrg to len1l. it takes time to find the stock i need!
wow, what a trades the last days here. there a few stocks that were climbing up about 10 percent in a day. what a joy to traders:) got a chance to buy something today. had chosen to stocks with lowest pe and great profit - becaus of rick they still not evaluated in the market. bought the first after a few days high over 24percent. in my opinion it should go up more. then got scared because the price moved down and sold 4/5 of them with losses. well, at the end of the day the price changed and now for that remain i have a litle plus. so, do not listen to me when to buy and when to sell. full of mistakes...
the second stock was bought in 3 transactions and litle numbers. oil. hope to see it up for the next week or two.


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