daily reviews

thinking abour applying to forum to prepair daily reviews. then, why am i writing this? i am already doing some kind of reviews;) !!
so, feeling more strong about my way of trading. using software for technical analysis helps a lot! the situation at the market seemed rather strange today morning. all the positions changed prises up (or down) by 10percent - that is too quick - i hear this more and more often. people say big correction may come.
have two stocks - linas and rst in portfolio and they are below signal line - i should have sold them a week ago. rst i am sure will go up in some time, but linas, not so sure... that was really a good lesson to see how the lines and signals work. next thing that i noticed - that those without technical analysis, but looking carefully at the results and profits of the companies, and daily trades, their decisions are really close the charts. that is really interesting to see.


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