new strength

feelin awfully - the stomach, althouth can not leave the computer - the trading starts...
making mistakes, trying to learn. starting to valuate technical analysis and simple macd - moving averages. and seeing that the chat and listening to others sometimes makes harm. bought linas yesterday, feeling happy that had money only for a few hundreds. knew it is going down, saw on the graph and still bought. will be good lesson not to listen. and one more thing - rst broke the line and there was sell sign last week. also, did not pay attention. so, will wait for up, for a week or few...
thanks for comments - that gives new strength and interest to write;)
by the way, was searching the web yesterday for freeware stock charting software and was dissapointed. downloaded over 5, and most of them were designed for online stocks. and of course not lithuanian stock exchange. so, have my litle simple fcharts...


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