from short to long trading

have not written for a while. we have been thinking about going to long term investing and bying with a purpose to keep the shares more than 366 days - that means we will not have to pay the taxes. in other case - the taxes authorities still discusses the possibility to ask 33percent from the profit. that is a lot to compare that now they take 15 percent. so, tried to organise my portfolio for a long. it consisted of 9 shares. and they ALL have been going down (except oil) for a few weeks... bummer. see, after trading for some time with short positions, it is so difficult to think in long terms and decide on certain stocks and their position in a year or a few months. especially when i am afraid of the coming big down after dividends... moreover, we are thinking about bying some land and taking all the money from the stocks. then it will be difficult to update this site. what is good, that you may start with stocks having very litle money. just buy for extra hundred litas and keep;)


Anonymous said…
So what, Ugne??? This is end of your story?
ugne said…
oh, no, hope not the end. to be continued...

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