some thoughts

trading stocks is a good thing. you may earn a lot, but as i noticed, you may also earn only a few litas (or any other currency;)). and, you may lose... was watching the last month - almost did not earn anything, although looking at the stocks statistics and trade volume with prices moving up and down, on the most optimistical view - i could have done 10-20-30 percent. it takes time to analyse the situation, to read news, to dig into fundamental data and technical analysis with graphs, to consult clever people. have read in one book, that investor should do his homework in order to succeed. the author was right. without homework your luck will be accidental and depends on the situation in the market and main trends. when all shares go to the top, you will earn. in other case - many books are published with the title "how to earn in bear market"....... have not read.
so, feeling dissapointed today when looking at the numbers. have so litle time to sit and read or analyse. and, according to the last rule - do not sell with loss, will have to wait for a long time while all minuses turn into plus.


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