more confident

feeling more confident today. and happy did not by mazeikiai stocks. today the price is decreasing and i guess it will go down for a few days or weeks. there are many talks on the radio about this company and the situation. myself waiting for the good news to buy back.
portfolio is really diversified now. still have some cash left for nafta, could buy anything for a short time. was looking at one company, dvarcionys, they are having troubles, the shareholders changed and the price moved down over 20percent i guess. reached it's bottom and now is going up. it is interesting. heard that very often big finance enterprises do this - help to beat down the price and then buy at a good level.
ok, will not write a lot today. too calm in my trades.... it would be good to find some time and read any material online about trading... byt the way, gave books for free last month - do not know the situation now. ordered a few with different emails and names;) (mine and husbands...) although feel dissapointed. the first book i recieved was about technical analysis. an authour was a doctor and then left his job for trading. now he is a chief excutive in a company producing software for stock traders. the software and the methods they used are based on neural networks. on the whole - all the book is only and advertisement for his software. did not find anything useful.... the second package cam a week ago with audio tape called day trading wizard - using probability support and resistance levels. thought i ordered only books... this tape should be good. the only problem is how to listen to it - do not have proper tool;)


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