
what do investors do on sundays? guess thet are usual people and do simple things- get up, eat, go out... myself went with family for a walk to the forest near us. then husband left us - and me with daugther to maxima - the shop;) to get some necessary things.... looking at the dairy products was thinking about dairy product market and enterprises offering their goods here. bought cream thing from pieno zvaigzdes. they always offer some new things. this one was really tasty. milk cream, caramel and biscuit. then bought some cheese - i always take the same kind of rokiskio suris, but this time tried picarella. both rokiskio suris and pieno zvagzdes are traded in the nse, official list. both are good companies with good results and good revenues. especiallly good when eu gave some money... so, was thinking that to have some shares of them would not be a bad thing at all;) stable and low risk for a year. later the competetive diary products from abroad may come. even now - saw some polish goods for a nice price.... well, for now, maybe i only try to take part in their businees by testing their products;) niam niam, tasty..


Inyuki said…
Hahah! That's a funny interpretation. If all people would be "eating" like that, or had a need to buy shares instead of trash, they'd be better off after not a so long a period of time. It's intersting... I cought you here editing on..line, right?

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