when when when - secrets of day trading. and trading....

how to guess nad how to know answers to questions WHEN???? mazeikiu nafta the last year become a very risky investition. bought it, sold, bought, sold. sold last week because of the bad news from jukos. saw this morning - the transactions were made at the level of 4.03!!! had a look a minute ago - it is 4.20, can not believe my eyes. rrrrrrr, feeling angry. many emotions;) if i had bought it this morning... now i could sell... (oops my english grammar is getting poor). it is a hard thing for me to know when. afraid to buy now - it may go up - or may go down... the news were bad.... some problems may arise in mazeikiai work.. uff....
the good thing is that i am counting not my losses, but my alternative costs - money i do not have now but i could have... secrets of day trading....


Inyuki said…
Well, it's that you can't predict the market. Don't be nervous. My friend advises me: the general rule in investing in shares is to estimate the real value of a share, and if the market price is lower than your estimated price, you should buy the shares, else, you shouldn't. If you do so, you'll never lose. However, you need some more information on the companies you are investing in.
ugne said…
thanks. still not started my counting and evaluating companies and sharies with methods and formulas - only read news and talks on the web. know it is risky.... but think it works in inner small market.

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