
Showing posts from 2005

trading blogs dedicated for stock market

there are so many of them.. many many many blogs on trading, stock market, investing and so on. will give a few links to random personal blogs: - trader Mike with Mike's philosophy on trading... "Edgar Alcidi I am a full-time trader who trades for his own account using technical analysis. " / Interested in investing in penny stocks? offers you ..... I like his sentence "There's always a bull market in something... " - "trade stocks for a living instead of working at a job " - "Technically Speaking, Market Analysis and Theory" - is a blog of stock market investment ideas................ More blogs on trading from trader Mike and some market, not only stock blogs h...

Investment game

Going to search the web for more investment games, but i like this site . Not only for nice design and bright colors:) Not sure if it is possible to join now, the game started a month ago. It is SSE Riga investment game and dates back to 1997. Last year, people taking part in the game represented 12 countries - that is really a lot. The main target audience of the project is students and secondary school pupils. Much benefit in promoting investitions and giving more information on stock markets. What i liked on their page - there are weekly reviews of the stock markets for those countries: Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Finland, Sweden and Russia. Everything in English..


no big news, no big ups or downs. no analysis and no need to have a diary :) ....... was thinking the other day about the two images the companies have. the first one - image in a stock market, when you know - this is good, this is really good for earning, and never buy this. and the next image - the real market, where products and services move. well, maybe i would not buy klaipedos baldai shares, but their furniture does not look bad. alytaus tekstile seems dangerous to me, but the gift linen i bought from them. good quality. it was interesting to see the differecenses.

the market down

well, reached the point, when feeling bad before looking at the end of day data. afraid to see more minuses in such a down trend. relieved - today up for a few percent...

shock in stock market

watching the nice rise over the summer was good. and that nice down the last month i do not like at all. the sad thing is no time to watch the market during the day. and the decision to keep, not to sell. well, nice decision. a month ago my porfolio was bigger for one thousand euro...

nice down

watching only the downs for the last few weeks. portfolio went to down from 38percent plus to 23. a lot, aches the heart watching. the main parts of it - lifosa and oil mazeikiai were going down. the good news - the last two days aiming for up. good news - there is some hope and better news in mazeikiai stock option with jukos. not sure about the end of it, the governemt is discussing the law of selling at the moment. to tell the truth, watching the price and earnings - i think it is still much undervaluated, and the price could go untill 20litas with no problem. the profit is so high... the taxes mazeikiai pay makes the lion part of domestic product in lithuania.. sometimes i think that really should change the title of blog "trading mistakes" or "do not trade like this". not going to tell about some sells and buys of last week. maybe some day later :)


well, golden rule of diversification. never have one stock - have a few and minimise your risk.. about 30percent of portfolio have in mazeikiai oil, mnf1l, and when it moves up or down - that it is clearly seen in my portfolio. watching the day trades - at the moment minus 3percent today - ups, so much. in the long perspective of course it does not matter such switches. now, when there is so uncertainty about governement, bying and selling the mazeikiai big part option, should see moves of prices. of course, aiming for up. the sad thing is that now the market price is over 12litas, when they are going to sell for 7litas. that effects the traders i guess.

no luck

well, broke my rule yesterday to keep - sold some stocks - and here you are.. sanitas and ljl today went up both for almost 5 percent. and lifosa, that i bought, going down... not too much worried - the daily ups and downs are normal. just a pitty.

crazy stocks

really, i think it is crazy in the stock market. i know it is luck to be in such a market, when there are so big ups.. at my work, i have to work for two weeks to get the money my portfolio recieved today (well, my salary is not high). now i keep the strategy - buy and hold. but it is so difficult to hold the stocks when they do not move or go down, and see that others move towards the mountain pick.. so, sold my sanitas, half dvarcionys and the rest of ships, ljl1l, all with small losses... ups. and bought some more lifosa. did that yesterday. and a litle bit today. not so sure about today, maybe that was not so good decision.

bears and mother tongue

read something about the start of bears rulling. the last few months had nice growth, will be difficult to see the profit going down. more then a half stocks in my portfolio did not changed the prices compare with friday trade. that should mean that the buyers are not so active, the sellers would like to dominate. that is interesting - that stocks of tse and rse - estonian and latvian market's had the greatest increases today and the last few days. need to find more info on them and the last part of income invest there. did not feel brave - it is easier to find information on companies in native language...

the stock - eight percent up

wow, what a nice day, what a high... bought some oil mazeikiai at 10,25 in the morning. checked now - the end of day price - 11.10. wow. what a rapid growth of my portfolio, over 20 percent of it have oil. all the rest - going down... even those that bought a few days ago, sanitas and dvarcioniu. not going to sell. for long..

no serious decision to buy

the second day just looking around and not bying seriously. wanted the oil, mnaf. did not dear in the morning and had no time later. getting angry a litle bit. bought some sanitas. do not know why. maybe it is at the same level for a long time. and never had it. so, will try for a few months. and had no consultation wih technical analysis. was surprised a litle bit when a person from brokerage said they do not use technical analysis, just fundamental..

almost all up

well, almost all stocks from portfolio went up today. makes the nice day more nice. the only stock, that i value the most - mnf1l went the opposite direction. well, still hoping the best from it. tomorrow will have to make a decision on bying something. now it is toooo late to think. and tomorrow everything will be in a hurry.

stocks for free?

wow, not so bad. finally recieved the siauliu bank stocks, not much, 48 :) but, nice to see them in my portfolio. it was the way bank shared profit with the shareholders - gave some stocks from new emission.

still in market

bought a few shares of apranga and alita. the first one was going up for a few days, tried - maybe will go for more:) now have minus 3 percent. it is good, that the sum was small. and bought alita. they do not have excellent results, but just feeling that it would be good to have some form them, so bought, also only a few. now have plus 3 percent. not much. interesting, have not heard any news from alita for a while. the bad news for me - oil stocks go down, to buy last week was not good idea... well, as for long term, hope to wait for bulls here before christmas. would like the question of jukos stock selling to come sooner. so much uncertainty there..

bad trades, no lessons

feelng dissapointed today. yesterday bought oil and sold one bank. today the oil went down, it was possible to get 10cents lower.. and sold the bank. reacted to the panic in the morning and sold. one more lesson not to stick to the crowd and not to change the rules of the game. have promissed myself hundred of times not to sell... and here you are again. do not learn from mistakes at all. so, in bad mood. and portfolio goes down.. looking to buy something else. technical analysis do not show anything clear. or maybe i am sleepy already.. good night

decision making

it is late, dark outside. neigbours and family sleeping. myself thinking about tomorrow. should buy something. so, how do i help myself to make a desicion. first of all, read all the news about listing companies. i am subscribed to one of yahoogroups of local investors. there were over 100 unread news emails in my inbox during the last few days. next, trying to read any comments on forums, chat logs, etc. what were people talking about, what are other's buying and thinking about. should not always trust this source of information, but that it always useful. then, the third, i use my picture of companies. impression. every piece of news or information in some way change the impression and oppinion about stocks and companies. that is like aggregatted picture of all market and picking up a few candidates. hm, maybe should take more careful look on other baltics markets, like tse. still afraid, need more encouragement. so, thinking about some more oil. maybe some more lifosa. the nex...

site to visit

For those who are interested in the baltics (europe) stock market, especially lithuanian, want to offer one site. A site of lithuanian investors community. and a site i love and visit almost everyday. Almost everything is done in lithuanian language, although there is a forum for english speakers. So, visit 'spekuliantai'

golden portfolio times

wow, crazy summer. golden times for my portfolio. have 6 stocks at the moment, and over 20percent plus. not so much to compare with the stocks up, bbut feeling ok. the last few months i was not selling, just bying. decided it is not worth to sell the stock, when i believe it will go up in a month or two.. and some people say that patience is virtue.. there was real bull market for bank stocks. from the new year one has been up for more then 4 times!! the sad thing is i bought a few bank stocks only last week. and the reputation of the bank is on question. still happy with litle plus, and hope it will not go down a lot. to tell the truth starting worrying about the coming month. usually the summer is quit time, no trades. and here the opposite. maybe the autumn will bring deep long correction with big bears. today and vilse market saw the biggest increase have the stocks, that ussually have minor transactions and almost no volume. people say when the small fish come, it may be the end o...

Bying after bad news

well, was looking for a few days what to buy. husband suggested the 'ship' stocks. once came out with minus from them, tried to look more carefully at them. well...... in the morning the bads news come - the profit decreases because of high oil prices. what happened - started to think - the price goes down, it is a good stock, should try to buy. maybe should have been waited for a day or two to see the trend direction and the market reaction - now have over 2percent losses. hope untill christmas it will turn into plus...

Small-Cap "Is it time to sell stocks?"

Some time ago i registered at The Motley Fool (rather strange name for trader's site)and since then they send me the promotional message "small cap growth". as i understand, their idea is to pick up the companies with small capitalization and big potential for growth. actually never read such kind of emails, call them spam and delete. this evening is different. looking for ideas what to buy, so decided to read. title - "Is It Time to Sell?". much writing about hidden gems , do not know what is this, never mind. there were a few goods things. the main thing - not to sell. never. the author says: "Consider this approach instead: Sell your stocks when you want to buy a house or furniture. Sell when you have too much in stocks and you want to buy some bonds, gold, or collectibles. Sell if you have too much in any one stock. But sell a stock, or the market, on valuation at you own peril." . interesting. there were a few examples that most of the stocks inc...

summer time

have not written for ages. it is summer and have no time for sitting and analysing. just checking my porfolio sometimes. even do not read news - select them all in my inbox and check them as read. a few weeks ago everything was fine - plus 5percent, the last few days seems things getting worse - at the moment - 3,83percent.. trying to see what it means to be long term investor / trader. it is a pity to see up and down and think that if i sold, bought back, then i would have earned, etc.....

friend's experience in stock market

remembered that know a man, called Peter, living in new york, who used to tell about his stocks. how every morning he listens to news, reads something in the net, looks at his stocks, buys or sells. wrote him an email to ask how he is doing with stocks now, after a few years. the answer was not very happy. "I have bought stocks and put them away for retirement; I lost much in the market all because the companies were lying about their products and before I could get out, the stocks had fallen. So, the few stocks I have bought are now for retirement. It is a volatile market and I do not recommend it to anyone; too much fraud and lies to drive the stocks up. Be very careful of what you invest in. Currently, I am investing my money in my private practice which has been quite successful; thanks to God." He is a doctor, so soon will have two offices, opened for clients. So, no words of encouragement. The only thing good is that here, in the market i am interested in, there are no...

All software for stock analysis

All software for stock analysis

rich dad poor dad

had been reading a book a year ago. "rich dad poor dad", . it was my first book on money and finances that i read for myself, not for studies or job. written in popular style and convincing to aim for financial independence. "get out of rat race". now starting to read the next book from the same authors. about investitions - guide of investor. it is interesting. it says "those, who trade in the stock market, only imagine themselves to invest. in reality they only buy and sell. "buy, keep and pray" - that is a long investition. pray for stocks to go up. and those, who do not keep for long and sell they call only speculators... so, thinking about changing blog's title from 'diary of investor' to "trader's diary".


a few weeks ago promised myself to buy and hold for long. well, could not. somthing inside wants the activity - buy sell buy. not wise, but... yesterday sold two stocks that were going up high. the first one, lifo, seems to stop today, and the bank still streams for maximum..

do not listen to my advices....

it is soooo difficult to get used to new tickers. now, as we entered saxess platform and baltics had been connected into one baltic stock trade system, there are all new codes for shares and the number of them increased. as i look at my software it is difficult for me to understand what company does it belong to. for example, snoras changed from snor into srs1l. o enrg to len1l. it takes time to find the stock i need! wow, what a trades the last days here. there a few stocks that were climbing up about 10 percent in a day. what a joy to traders:) got a chance to buy something today. had chosen to stocks with lowest pe and great profit - becaus of rick they still not evaluated in the market. bought the first after a few days high over 24percent. in my opinion it should go up more. then got scared because the price moved down and sold 4/5 of them with losses. well, at the end of the day the price changed and now for that remain i have a litle plus. so, do not listen to me when to buy and...

no money no trade - or no wish no trade

have no cash - no savings, so having vacation from detailed look at the stock exchange. the news conference mails changed in volume - with the start of common saxess system, there are many news from other countries companies. an opportunity to think about abroad trade - investing in different currency and unknown enterprises. the next thing - looking forward for new companies coming into the stock exchange. thare news coming about a few preparing to enter the trade list. somehow still think it is a good thing to buy stocks at their enter.

Flags and pennants

found an article on failed signals to buy or sell. interesting. heard about flags and pennants for the first time. i am not good at technical analysis. now it is more clear for me why people see at the chart and say - i am going to buy this. was wondering why thet buy so often. now i see - there are special signals to enter the position during the trend. find the article here: only in lithuanian..

what to buy?

welcome back. was looking at the stocks today, imported the data file into software, but no decision what to buy. looking at the banks, but afraid they will fall in the coming month. want to buy dker, but the results of it are so bad... although good perspective... decided to get some oil, although after such a fast high it should remain in the same price level for a least a month... feeling like a novice and do not what to buy. well last year, when starting i knew what to buy:) the big energetic sector.

market going down

watching the market the last few weeks - everything down.... was good time to sell everything, although if the same situation will repeat the next year, i will sell everything in february - march and would be extremely careful with trading. almost all the stock i bought the last months gave me minus. now it is good to have some rest from all this and prepare for next season. i still participate in virtual game, staying in middle of all investors. well, not so bad, on the whole.


had a look at the report and got scared - for the last two months only losses except two shares. all the rest about 10 stocks turn into minus. no words... must turn everything into cash and now it is the worst time of the year to do so.

not a mistake

the last time i wrote about snai, rst and invl - i sold them and then was unhappy to see them up. now, after some time, i may draw some conclusions. rst went up - i could have sold it without losses. what it interesting after few days up, now it is great down - almost 30percent from the price i sold it. so, not so bad. invl went up for a few cents, and now it is also lower than my selling price. the only snai is going up. the purpose of my buy was to see RSI working. the problem was i was not looking at the snai situation - it was going down for more than 6months, and i accidentely bought it when after the bottom it started to go up. to buy it was a wise decision, but to sell it.... well, i needed money and quickly.. was reading about sellin decisions today. two points. first - sell with RSI high - over 70-80percent. and second - remember that after rally - quick up over 10-20-30 percent - the price will stay flat for a long time. i wish i knew that earlier.
wow, what a day.... 16 down, 6 up. terrible day, down. looking for the best day to sell off everything, seems it is not the best chance.

moving out?

up and down, up and down, but the ups are not high enough.. now in the process of going to move the savings to real estate, so, thinking about holiday from trading and stocks for a few months. was thinking about the psychology of savings and trading. personally for me it is more difficult to trade when the portfolio is getting bigger. the losses are bigger:) and there is more pressure - maybe the responsibility. the advantage is that with more many it is easier to earn more. now looking forward for the end of summer and small portfolio - will start new trading year. for now - still making the same mistakes. or maybe it is my way to do things. to find good stock and sell it before it's up. so, feeling upset with invalda, rst and snaige.
hard day. the rollercoster of the oil price. sold it in the first part of trade, then sae the price moving down and did not get to byu back cheaper... then the price started moving forward, reach maximum - 22ct more than mine sold price and then came back to the price i sold. the mistake - to sell, then the second mistake - to try buy and the higher price. bought a litle bit almost at the maximum price. feeling tired and think will leave this for now. was looking at rsi and will try it. bought 3 shares where rsi is about 30, hope will not have loss. the shares on the whole do not seem very attractive according their fundamental analysis, but will check rsi.. oh, yes, in the morning bought some bank, then it's price moved down. soon will be a year of my trade and i am still a total novice... what i do not like - this trading without strategy and too often bying and selling.

how to make money in the bear market?

find bullish stock:) the family meeting yesterday looked at the stocks and decided it is too much - minus 3 portfolio. sold a few stocks today with rather big loss and bought some more oil - mazeikiai. should look more carefully at this stock in the next few days. maybe will sell and then buy again. it is one of the best choice in my eyes. looking at other shares and do not have a clue - buy, or sell. the best thing should be to wait. as everyone repeats - untill july or august. then the lithuanian market comes back to life. what is more difficult - to see such big downs. i came to market last year in autumn - since then everything was going towards highs. now i can imagine what it means that stocks are extremely high risk investment.


no time to read, or to trade. market is going down, more and more minus.

some thoughts

trading stocks is a good thing. you may earn a lot, but as i noticed, you may also earn only a few litas (or any other currency;)). and, you may lose... was watching the last month - almost did not earn anything, although looking at the stocks statistics and trade volume with prices moving up and down, on the most optimistical view - i could have done 10-20-30 percent. it takes time to analyse the situation, to read news, to dig into fundamental data and technical analysis with graphs, to consult clever people. have read in one book, that investor should do his homework in order to succeed. the author was right. without homework your luck will be accidental and depends on the situation in the market and main trends. when all shares go to the top, you will earn. in other case - many books are published with the title "how to earn in bear market"....... have not read. so, feeling dissapointed today when looking at the numbers. have so litle time to sit and read or analyse. and,...
some thoughts. trading stocks is a good thing. you may earn a lot, but as i noticed, you may also earn only a few litas (or any other currency;)). and, you may lose... was watching the last month - almost did not earn anything, although looking at the stocks statistics and trade volume with prices moving up and down, on the most optimistical view - i could have done 10-20-30 percent. it takes time to analyse the situation, to read news, to dig into fundamental data and technical analysis with graphs, to consult clever people. have read in one book, that investor should do his homework in order to succeed. the author was right. without homework your luck will be accidental and depends on the situation in the market and main trends. when all shares go to the top, so, you will earn. many books are published with the title "how to earn in bear market". so, feeling dissapointed today when looking at the numbers. have so litle time to sit and read or analyse. and, according to the ...

back to trading

so, welcome back. there were many talks and thoughts, so, thinking not to stop with short trades. on the whole, seems, all the income in lithuania has 33percent taxes (not sure about terms in english, will have to look up). coming back with some rules. family says not to sell with loss. thinking about recent examples, when the stock prices felt almost 50percent. moreover, now, when everyone talks about flat time coming to the market hope that rule will help. at the moment, protfolio has minus two percent. bad time but not sad. talked with one friend today - hear more and more people thinking about stock trading and investing in stocks. seems more money come to stock exchange.

from short to long trading

have not written for a while. we have been thinking about going to long term investing and bying with a purpose to keep the shares more than 366 days - that means we will not have to pay the taxes. in other case - the taxes authorities still discusses the possibility to ask 33percent from the profit. that is a lot to compare that now they take 15 percent. so, tried to organise my portfolio for a long. it consisted of 9 shares. and they ALL have been going down (except oil) for a few weeks... bummer. see, after trading for some time with short positions, it is so difficult to think in long terms and decide on certain stocks and their position in a year or a few months. especially when i am afraid of the coming big down after dividends... moreover, we are thinking about bying some land and taking all the money from the stocks. then it will be difficult to update this site. what is good, that you may start with stocks having very litle money. just buy for extra hundred litas and keep;)


the news are not good for lithuanian traders. especially short term traders - the taxes authority discussed the idea to put 33percent tax from the profit in stock trading. upps. the good thong is if you hold the shares longer than one year - you do not pay the taxes. so, decided to may a vacation from trading, have rest and watch what will happen. besides, bought all the stocks ignoring technical analysis and charts, so have only loss for now. time to wait.

daily reviews

thinking abour applying to forum to prepair daily reviews. then, why am i writing this? i am already doing some kind of reviews;) !! so, feeling more strong about my way of trading. using software for technical analysis helps a lot! the situation at the market seemed rather strange today morning. all the positions changed prises up (or down) by 10percent - that is too quick - i hear this more and more often. people say big correction may come. have two stocks - linas and rst in portfolio and they are below signal line - i should have sold them a week ago. rst i am sure will go up in some time, but linas, not so sure... that was really a good lesson to see how the lines and signals work. next thing that i noticed - that those without technical analysis, but looking carefully at the results and profits of the companies, and daily trades, their decisions are really close the charts. that is really interesting to see.

new strength

feelin awfully - the stomach, althouth can not leave the computer - the trading starts... making mistakes, trying to learn. starting to valuate technical analysis and simple macd - moving averages. and seeing that the chat and listening to others sometimes makes harm. bought linas yesterday, feeling happy that had money only for a few hundreds. knew it is going down, saw on the graph and still bought. will be good lesson not to listen. and one more thing - rst broke the line and there was sell sign last week. also, did not pay attention. so, will wait for up, for a week or few... thanks for comments - that gives new strength and interest to write;) by the way, was searching the web yesterday for freeware stock charting software and was dissapointed. downloaded over 5, and most of them were designed for online stocks. and of course not lithuanian stock exchange. so, have my litle simple fcharts...

late trade and email bouncing

the trade started 1 hour later today because of technical problems. got no news today - seems my email has got soft bouncing. no news, no trade. was late to sell 3 stoks from portfolio. waited too long after rapid up, so, today got quick down, invalda, apranga. and loss for today. started thinking that the conference and chat on trade sometimes makes harm. should think myself - listened to one opinion and sold good stock - stumbras. in, 16 stocks went up, 9 down. seems, everything is up except mine;(

trading with technical analysis and news

cool day! the downloaded soft works ok, it is a simple program, with automated market indicators - macd, ema, rsi. still not sure what ema means. anyway, trying to collect my portfolio according to the news and technical analysis. to watch the charts before bying or selling. was counting the profit from all the trading period and it is so small.... have to be more carefull about technics. today, 12 stocks went up, 19 down. what i see it is not important how many stocks are going down. it is important to have those who are up.

trading talks

nice trade today. 10 stock up (4 from mine portfolio), 17 down. feeling cool - my portfolio is growing;) talked with one trader . said, uses two main criteria for picking up the stock - p/e (price earnings ratio) and news on the company. the smaller p/e, the better. and the news of the company shows good or bad perspective for the future. nice talk. should find out more about p/e..

stock charting software

was using metastock professional offline version by equis , and the demo went out... someone from forum advised to try FCharts and GannalystLite30STD . they both are freeware and easy to use as he said. so, will try these. while searching in the web, saw pretty enough of stock charting software proposals. but, for now will try these and share later.

oh happy day, good trading day;)

the sun shining, the stocks going up, everything seems fine;) the interesting thing is i tried to apply macd for rst (energy) stocks. there was sell signal a week ago. and yesterday saw the comment that there is a signal for buying coming. oops, so where i was wrong with the technical analysis? by the way, the demo version of metastock professional is over and have a headache to find new software...

sad things

remember, if you are investing - learn form your mistakes... myself i am not able to learn the lesson. do the same things, and lose...

oil and technical analysis

so, mazeikiu oil losses reached ten percent for me. still do not know what to do - sell or wait. maybe will have to wait for a year.... was reading some basics on technical analysis, thinking to share with you. so, the main indicators would be - MACD, RSI, OBV and volume. MACD - is a moving average principle, and as i understood the most popular. it is should be applied only when the market has trend - up or down. in the consolidation macd signals may be wrong. RSI - relative strength index - shows the stocks strenght comparing with other. what i read today - when rsi is higher than 70, you should sell your stocks. when RSI is lower 30, it is a buy signal for the stock. Volume - great volume confirms the trend. Low volume shows the end of correction.

bad day

awfully bad day. portfolio - minus 3 percent. follow only my emotions when bying or selling. so,here is the result

resources for lithuanian stock traders

well, thought will write down some lithuanian sites where things on stocks and stock trading may be found Spekuliantai" - group of traders. the site has no design - the information is important. links to traders chat, forum, email conference and other. JT - daily news on a stock market, online trading information, articles for new investors. Finasta is similar to 'JT' - financial brokerage company. i love its virtual portfolio and use it together with my bank accout portfolio. Investors' education official site of securities commission has dedicated a few pages for investors education

zakon podlosti

well, all the stocks i sold last week are up today. one bank even 8percent only in a few hours...


SOFTWARE TESTING oh, this was done automatically while blogging two blogs

technical analysis

seems everything is getting more serious. the last 6 months of the year was watching unreal increase and now - flat.... people on irc are talking that everyone should buy only according to technical analysis . there were a few sell signals in my graphics. sold almost everything according to them. well, silly regret did not let to sell mazeikiu oil stocks - and today they are down for more... almost 6 percent. guys were happy yesterday - technical analysis works in NSE;)


from my short experience of watching the stock market, i may say that there real waves. all the market is growing - protfolio is growing. then the market is going down - and then losses come. not sure, but maybe it is the same elliot waves i heard about. should find something about them in the internet. the truth is that after the fall always come the time to go up. so, feeling relieved this week and watching UP;) read yesterday;s review, well, it was said that according to the volume of the market - there are only small investors playing - hte big ones are going out with some specific stocks. that is - it may be that the "up" is not real - just temporal...


saw one stock this morning - of a finance company - invl. placed my order to buy. then tried to cancel it. seems the cancellation did not work, i bought at good price - and now - after a few hours - it is up 2percent!

cfd and forex

seems i should improve my english vocabulary for traders terms.. the market is slightly growing up last days, although today seems to be soooo flat... sold almost everything i had, bought some new and have loss of 1 percent for my portfolio. waiting for better times. was not using technical analysis at all and that feels. traders in the channel were mentioning RSIndex of vilse, so thought, should be useful to pay attention to this too. as now have some ideas where to look and what to look for. some are sayng that the market will not grow until spring. a few days ago went to a free seminar on forex trading. well, the conclusion is - high risk and no time for this. not now. seems, there are 3 firms in lithuania offering such services - forexera, telerade and now, the admiral invest are organising courses of 3 weeks and then open an account for you to trade. what was interesting, heard about new type of trade - CFD - contract for difference. something similar to bets. you tak...


sorry for the silence. the last week was overwhelming and beyond my strength. first, the oil stocks went up a lot in a few days - was watching that very carefully and bying. then, got some cash and had a headache "what to buy" - and when everything was going up in such speed - that was too dangerous. even on the news it was announced that the stock market growth during the day and the turnover was too big and that it is going to decrease in the same speed. well, they were right and the next day it was horrible - a few persent portfolio went down. so, friday afternoon felt it was too much for me... got an advise to have some rest for a week and do not look at the shares. more or less that's what i do these days;) well, the fact that today by only one transaction for 5million litas were bought oil shares should not be unseen...

happy new year

happy new year! boom, first trade of the year. bought oil the last minute. oops. saw my transaction approved and decided will never do such thing again. MUST spend some time counting and analysing. became an associate partner with, so will have a look what they have for stock traders.